Strauss & co - 26 September 2011, Cape Town

32 35 A Victorian silver sauceboat, William Fountain, London, 1846 the body engraved with the initial M, with leaf-capped double scroll handle, on three shell-headed hoof feet, 155g, 14cm long R3 000 – 4 000 36 A Victorian silver salver, Angel & Angel, London, 1847 with a beaded and shell rim, the body chased with scrolling foliage enclosing an engraved armorial and inscription, on three outswept shell feet, 1820g, 39,5cm diameter R12 000 – 15 000 37 A Victorian silver fish slice, George Adams, London, 1848 with pierced blade, the terminal moulded with a crest, 190g R3 000 – 4 000 38 A Victorian silver child’s mug, The Barnards, London, 1849 the body chased with floral panels and scrollwork enclosing a cartouche engraved with initials and a date, on a spreading foot, leaf scroll handle, 155g, 9,5cm high R3 000 – 4 000 36 37