Strauss & co - 26 September 2011, Cape Town

390 Brett MURRAY SOUTH AFRICAN 1961 Oros Man perspex and coins on wood 148 by 130cm R50 000 – 70 000 LITERATURE Ventilator, No 1, September 1994, page 57, illustrated Murray renders himself up as the Oros Man , or the Oros Man as a site for himself. The Oros Man – first exhibited on the X-Words show organised by artist Malcolm Payne in Cape Town in April – is made out of fragments of orange perspex held together by a lattice-work of metal strips in a kind of stained glass window arrangement. Only, the framing strips are themselves arranged in the most mechanically executed of Ndebele designs. ... Murray works pre-eminently with received imagery, borrowed from its original context and made ironical by the way it is redirected and refocused. 1 1. IvorP owell, Further Adventures of the Oros Man: Notes on Recent Works by Brett Murray, Ventilator: A South African Magazine for the Arts, No. 1 September 1994, page 57 - 59 End of Sale 226