Strauss & co - 26 September 2011, Cape Town

114 257 Pieter Willem Frederick WENNING SOUTH AFRICAN 1873–1921 An Orchard, Kirstenbosch signed oil on canvas 27 by 36,5cm R600 000 – 900 000 This painting was number 16 on a list of works available for sale compiled on 1 September 1918 by DC Boonzaier for Wenning’s sponsors and buyers. LITERATURE J du Preez Scholtz, DC Boonzaier en Pieter Wenning: Verslag van ‘n Vriendskap, Tafelberg Publishers, Cape Town and Johannesburg, 1973, page 124, plate 93, illustrated (photograph inverted in the book) Stephan Welz, Art at Auction in South Africa: The Art Market Review 1969 to 1995 , Art Link (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, 1996, page 129, where a similar example is illustrated This delightful scene of Kirstenbosch was painted in 1918. J du Preez Scholtz, in his account of Wenning’s life as recorded in DC Boonzaier’s diaries, informs us of their visit to the botanical gardens on Sunday 4 August: Die namiddag stap hulle met twee van Boonzaier se seuntjies na Kirstenbosch en drink daar tee. Hulle keer teen sononder terug langs Riversideweg ... In the following week Wenning completed two paintings, of which this was one. Die weer het die hele week buitengewoon mooi gebly, maar Wenning kla dat die lig nie altyd gunstig vir skilder is nie. Van Dinsdag tot Sonday het hy net twee landskappe voltooi, maar albei volgens Boonzaier van die beste wat hy nog gemaak het – die een van ‘n vrugteboord by Kirstenbosch … 1 It’s hardly surprising that his friend and mentor DC Boonzaier would have considered this painting as one of the best that Wenning had produced to date. The influence of the plein-air painters and the Dutch Impressionists is very evident in Wenning’s lively brushwork and his particular sensitivity towards the handling of light. The lush green tonalities and fecund quality of nature are captured with a sensuous painterliness that has made Wenning both a sought-after artist and one that many have sought to emulate. 1. J du P. Scholtz, DC Boonzaier en Pieter Wenning: Verslag van ‘n Vriendskap, Tafelberg, Cape Town, 1973, page 59.