Cape Town, 11 October 2011

19 10 A Victorian silver tray, Robert Garrard, London, 1880 circular, the wavy rim moulded with flowerheads and scrolls, the body chased with a band of strap-work and scrolling foliage, on four leaf-capped scroll feet, stamped R & S Garrard, Panton St. London, 3090g, 53cm diameter R20 000 – 30 000 9 A Victorian silver salver, Daniel and Charles Houle, London, 1845 circular, the wavy rim with shell decoration, the body chased with scrolling foliage enclosing the inscription“AT A COURT OF THE HONOURABLE THE IRISH SOCIETY, held on Tuesday the 10th day of February 1846. IT WAS RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY That the cordial thanks of his Honourable Society be presented to THOMAS HENRY HALL ESQ DEPUTY GOVERNOR, for the highly efficient manner in which he has discharged ALL THE IMPORTANT DUTIES OF THAT OFFICE, for the valuable assistance afforded to the Society by the sound judgement and discrimination displayed by him when visiting their Estates, in promoting and extending the Improvements which now so Honourably distinguish THE PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE SOCIETY, for his zeal and ability in the management and deliberations of the Society AND FOR HIS COURTEOUS DEMEANOUR TO ALL HIS COLLEAGUES. That while this Court will long retain a gratifying rememberance of his Services, he will recollect with equal satisfaction that during his year of Office the Supreme Court of appeal of this Country by their Solemn Judgement secured to this Society the uncontrolled management of their Estates to which they can always point as the best evidence of the faithful discharge of their deeply important trusts. John E Davies Snr“, on three shell and scroll feet, 1860g, 43cmdiameter R15 000 – 20 000 10 9