Cape Town, 11 October 2011
176 Artist Index © Strauss & Co (Pty) Ltd 2010 Research and Catalogue Notes Emma Bedford Photography courtesy of Les Hammond Design and layout Faye Frizlar A Ampenberger, S 201 Andersen, D 195 B Battiss, WW 196, 197, 198 Boonzaier, G J 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 Bosch, E 247 Boshoff, W H A 272 Botha, D J 244 Broadley, R 206, 207 Brown, A J R 118 Büchner, C A 241, 242 C Caldecott, H S 144 Carter, S 128 Chagall, M 114 Cilliers-Barnard, B 228, 229 Claerhout, F M 235, 236, 237, 238 Coetzee, C 107, 108, 264, 265 Coetzee, H H 240 Coetzer, W H 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176 Coignard, J 101, 102 D Davis, W J 112 Domsaitis, P 141 du Plessis, E H 162 Dumas, M 273 F Erasmus, P M 263 F Frink, D E 103 G Gassner, C A 104, 223 Goodman, R G 137, 138 H Harvey, R 191 Hayden, H 115 Higgs, C 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 Hillhouse, M E 202, 203, 204, 205 Hodgins, R G 239 I I’Ons, F T 116, 117 J Jentsch, A S F 160, 161 K Kentridge, W J 274, 275, 276 Kibel, W 185, 187 Klar, O 208 Kramer, J B 271 L Laubscher, F B H 261 Laubser, M M 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 Lewis, A N 188 Lipshitz, I 190 Lock, F 182, 183, 184 M Mason-Attwood, J S 105 Mayer, E K E 129 McCaw, T J 227 Meintjes, J P 245, 246 Meyer, J 270 Michaelis School of Fine Art 199 Murray, A J J 233, 234 N Naudé, P H 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 O Oerder, F D 120, 121, 122 P Page, F H 106 Pemba, G M M 226 Pierneef, J H 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151 Pinker, S 251, 252, 253 Podlashuc, A C 268, 269 Portway, D O 243 Preller, A 225 Prowse, E R 142, 143 R Roos, J 224 Rose-Innes, A 218, 219, 220, 221 S Serneels, C E T M 222 Shawzin, S 110, 111 Sibiya, L M 266, 267 Skotnes, C E F 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260 Smith, J A 145 Spears, F S 200 Spilhaus, P AW 139, 140 Stern, I 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168 Subotzky, M 277 V van der Merwe, C 113 van der Reis, G F J 262 van Essche, M C L 192, 193, 194 van Heerden, P G 231, 232 Verster, A C 109 Villa, E 230 Volschenk, J E A 119 Vorster, G F 248 W Wallace, M 249, 250 Welz, J M F 169, 17 0 Wenning, P W F 135, 136 Wolfe, E 189