Cape Town, 11 October 2011
124 215 Gregoire Johannes Boonzaier S OUTH A FRICAN 1909-2005 Oranje Pondokkie, Crossroads signed and dated 1982 oil on board 33 by 48,5cm R30 000 – 40 000 216 Gregoire Johannes Boonzaier S OUTH A FRICAN 1909-2005 Rialto Bridge, Grand Canal, Venice signed and dated 1973 pen and watercolour 28,5 by 43,5cm R40 000 – 60 000 217 Gregoire Johannes Boonzaier S OUTH A FRICAN 1909-2005 Quiver Trees signed and dated 1962 watercolour and charcoal 55 by 36cm R25 000 – 35 000 215 216 217 217 and a charcoal of the same subject, by Alexander Rose- Innes, signed and dated 22.10.64, 53 by 36cm (2)