Strauss & co - 15 March 2010, Cape Town
46 80 Sonia Delaunay F RENCH 1885-1979 Abstract Composition signed in pencil in the margin colour lithograph image: 16,5 by 13,5cm R6 500 – 8 500 81 Roger Bissière F RENCH 1886-1964 Composition Rose signed and numbered 2/75 in pencil in the margin colour lithograph image: 53 by 34cm R3 000 – 5 000 82 Marc Chagall R USSIAN /F RENCH 1887-1985 Nature Morte au Bouquet signed and numbered 16/75 in pencil in the margin colour lithograph image: 64 by 50cm R35 000 – 45 000 83 Joan Miró S PANISH 1893-1983 Le Combat Rituel signed and numbered 39/75 in pencil colour lithograph 60 by 88cm R30 000 – 40 000 80 82 83