Strauss & co - 8 October 2009, Cape Town

175 309 Karin Synmove Aurora Jarosynska S OUTH A FRICAN 1937- Two Figures Wearing Ruffs signed oil on canvas 90 by 117cm R60 000 – 80 000 cf “From the mid-Seventies, Karin Jaroszynska began to extend the iconographical boundaries of the intimate and curious world she had created. In a fascinating range of large oil canvases she gave form to a unique community of mirror image men and women, cloned from some doe-eyed, large-nosed, low-browed prototype of her remembering or dreaming. These silent, listening figures inhabit their own time and space, ambiguous and remote from the here and now, alluding to a Mediaeval origin and yet unlike any actual Mediaeval scenes or images one can recall”. Esmé Berman, Art and Artists of South Africa , Southern Book Publishers, Third Edition 1996, p 222